Testing Cloud Applications: Five Load Testing Challenges


Cloud Application Testing


While load testing is important when moving your critical applications to the cloud, it is something that many businesses have a hard time getting right. Businesses can very easily find themselves spending a lot of money and time on load testing, especially if they are using traditional load testing tools that are, by their very nature, expensive and cumbersome.

There is a way to execute your load tests that is cost-effective and efficient. The key, though, is to be able to deal with the common challenges that businesses face when they are load testing. This article will discuss these challenges, along with how to overcome them. If you understand these challenges beforehand and are proactive about dealing with them, then you will undoubtedly save a great deal of time and money.

Challenge 1: Keeping costs under control.

Traditional load testing tools are expensive when you add up the cost of the applications and the hefty consulting fees that usually accompany them. When using traditional load testing tools, it is all too easy for the cost of your load tests to spiral out of control. This can ruin the value of load testing in the first place.

Challenge 2: Minimizing the time needed to test your application.

Many load testing applications take a long time to actually perform their tests, and that time only increases the more adjustments that you make to the load tests. The longer a load test takes the complete, the longer it will take for your application to actually be launched on the cloud where it can start doing the job that you want it to do.

Challenge 3: Going in with the right plan.

Planning is important for load tests. Taking the time beforehand to develop a comprehensive strategy that clearly lays out what you are testing, the results that you are looking for and what you need to do to get those results will make your tests more efficient.

Challenge 4: Dealing with test licenses

Traditional load testing tools usually require the purchase of different test licenses for each application that you run. Acquiring these test licenses is just one more area where load testing can be a drain on money and energy for your business.

Challenge 5: Getting accurate, useful reporting.

Ultimately your tests are only as good as the data that you get. If you get lousy data, then no amount of testing will serve you. If you get reliable data, then you can be confident in your application’s readiness.

These challenges are usually encountered when you use traditional testing methods. The reason why many businesses of all sizes and industries have turned to newer testing methods, such as AppLoader, is because it effectively addresses these challenges.

AppLoader is an affordable load testing program that gives you data that you can use since it simulates the end-user’s perspective. AppLoader is protocol independent, which means that you do not have to purchase separate test licenses. As an added bonus, AppLoader is generally faster and more flexible than traditional load testing tools.

These are all important considerations before beginning your load testing. By expecting these challenges and being prepared to deal with them, you will set yourself up for a successful load test and a successful launch of your application on the cloud. This will save your business a lot of time, money and manpower that can be better used elsewhere.

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