Testing .NET Applications: Biggest Challenges When Load Testing .NET Applications


.Net Application Testing

With your critical applications now based on company servers or in the cloud, you can no longer just get away with testing whether or not your application runs “correctly.” The application may run correctly with one user, but what about when hundreds of users are trying to access it at the same time?

This is why load testing is an important part of going live with a new .NET application. If you conduct one before launching a multi-layered .NET application, a proper load test gives you a sense of how your application will run when it goes live and is being used by a large number of people simultaneously.

Unfortunately, many companies do not properly load test their applications. This is mainly because of the nature of traditional load testers, and the many challenges that come with them. With all of these challenges, it can seem like load testing is a big drain on resources that does not make business sense.

The reality is that a well planned and executed load test can more than pay for itself. If you load test and identify performance issues before launching your application, then you will prevent a situation where the application’s users are unproductive because the application is running slowly.

Slow applications lead to losses in productivity, which directly hits the bottom line.

Traditional load testing techniques require a prohibitively high investment in money, time and resources. Most load testers are very expensive to purchase and set up. They take a lot of time to set up and execute, which adds to the costs of labor along with the more subtle costs that come with delays in launching the application.

Faced with these hurdles, it is no surprise that many companies just choose to say “well, it worked fine when a couple of developers were using it, so surely it will work fine when fifty are accessing it at the same time!”

There do exist on the market today load testers that overcome these challenges. One such load tester is AppLoader.

AppLoader overcomes these challenges by giving you a more affordable, efficient and effective load testing solution. Because AppLoader is protocol independent, you do not need to do any special coding of your .NET applications or purchase any special licenses. This means that load tests can be set up and executed quickly and at the lowest cost.

Most important of all, AppLoader tests your .NET application from the end-user’s point of view. This will give you useful data that you can use to make adjustments to the application and to the servers hosting the application.

When you set up and execute a proper load test using AppLoader, you will get a very clear sense of how your application will perform when it goes live. With this information, you can make the necessary adjustments that will allow you to launch your .NET application with confidence that it will perform the way that you expect it to perform. Your users will be satisfied, your bottom line will look better, and ultimately your customers will be happier.

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