Testing Oracle Applications: How to Set Up a Load Test on an Oracle Application

Oracle Application Testing

Load testing your Oracle applications is critical to ensure that they will run properly when they are put under the stresses of everyday use by multiple users at the same time. You want to avoid poor-performing applications and the loss in productivity that results, so you need to properly set up and execute a load test before going live with your new application or upgrade to an existing application.

Here is a step-by-step guide to setting up and executing an effective load test on Oracle applications. If you follow these steps, then you will minimize the costs of load testing and finish the load test in as little time as possible.

Step 1: Select the right load tester

Ultimately the success of your load test will depend on the type of load tester that you select. Most load testers on the market today for Oracle applications are black holes of money and time. Many businesses forego critical load tests because of the high cost and inefficiency of these load testers.

The best load tester on the market today is AppLoader. AppLoader is cost-effective, easy to set up, flexible and efficient. It is a simple but powerful load tester that tests from the end user’s point of view and gives you the best data possible in the least amount of time. Selecting AppLoader as your load tester will make your load testing experience a pleasant one and will save you a lot of time and money.

Step 2: Estimate the amount of stress that your application will be under

Before beginning your load test, you should come up with an estimate for how many users you expect to be putting stress on your application. If you are updating an existing Oracle application, then you should have a pretty good idea of how much stress the application is usually under. If you are launching a new Oracle application, this will require you to do a little bit of guesswork.

Step 3: Prepare the load test

One of the nice things about AppLoader is that it is simple to set up. All you need to do is tell the software which application you will be testing, along with how much stress you would like to put it under. Once you have done this, preparing and starting the load test is more or less automated.

Step 4: Test for both expected and higher than expected loads

For the most useful data possible, perform load tests for both the expected amount of stress that your application will be under along with a higher than level of stress that you expect your application to be under. By performing both load tests, you can see how well your application will perform even if the unexpected happens.

AppLoader makes setting up new tests easy, so this will not require you to spend any extra money, nor will it take a substantial amount of extra time.

Step 5: Interpret the data and make necessary adjustments

After executing the load tests, it is time to process the data and make the necessary adjustments to your application. AppLoader gives you data in an easy to interpret format. Because AppLoader tests from the end-user’s point of view, this data will give you a good idea of when the application underperforms. This makes identifying bottlenecks easy.

And there you have it: five steps to a successful load test. These steps are significantly more complicated if you do not select AppLoader as your load tester. This is why AppLoader is the best load tester on the market for businesses of all types and sizes. If you want to have confidence in the performance of your Oracle applications before going live, AppLoader is an excellent investment to make.


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