Talisma Load Testing: The Advantages of AppLoader for Talisma Enterprise

Talisma Application Testing

As a higher education institution, you have to deal with prospective students, current students, and alumni. Each of those three types of students plays an important role in the success of any higher education institution. Talisma offers up effective solutions for interacting with each type of student. Whether it is hosting an application for a prospective student, processing a payment from a current students, or reaching out to and alumni for a donation, Talisma Enterprise is a great platform.

Setting up and running Talisma is not enough. It is important to take steps to ensure that Talisma will run effectively when it is in a live environment. When thousands of users are simultaneously accessing those services, will it hold up? If it crashes or slows down, the results are disastrous. Beyond frustrating users, it can very well cost you money.

This is why performance testing is so important. A good load test simulates the stresses that the system will be under when it is being accessed by large numbers of users simultaneously. If you are proactive and set up and run a load test on your Talisma systems, you can see how well your application will perform when it goes live.

The trick though is setting up the load test properly. Many companies are frustrated by load tests because they are seen as being expensive and time-consuming. Because they take so long to set up and execute, it can take months to finally be able to launch a new system.

This does not have to be the case. It is possible to set up and execute an effective load test in an affordable way that does not delay the launch of your application. In order for this to happen, you need to select the right load tester.

The best load tester on the market today for Talisma is AppLoader. AppLoader is protocol independent, which means it works on more than just Talisma systems. The reason why it works so well on Talisma and other types of applications is that it is a simple yet powerful piece of software that is easy to use. No special coding is required. All you need to do is tell AppLoader what you want to test and what kind of stress you want to put it under. AppLoader then sets everything up and executes the test quickly.

You can easily test for both expected and higher than expected loads, which is recommended. After each test, you get an excellent set of data that identifies where the bottlenecks are in Talisma’s performance. You can then make adjustments to the system so that it performs better under stress.

If you are a higher education institution and you are relying on Talisma to enhance the experience of students and alumni, you cannot afford to skimp on load testing. Luckily, AppLoader makes load testing affordable and easy. Investing in AppLoader allows you to perform the kinds of load tests that you need to perform without breaking the bank or delaying the launch of your Talisma systems.


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