Oracle EBusiness Suite Load Testing: Why You Need to Load Test Oracle EBusiness Suite

Oracle EBusiness Suite Application Testing


Oracle EBusiness Suite is a popular set of applications because they allow businesses to track and manage just about every important part of their operations, from finances to human resources.

The Need

When these applications functions properly they lower costs and reduces inefficiencies. They help the bottom line and ensure that the needs of both customers and employees are met properly.

Of course, all these benefits can only be realized if your Oracle applications function properly on your company’s system. When they do not function properly, they may make critical errors which directly impact the proper functioning of your company, and even have an impact on your bottom line.

Performance errors can be costly. The good news is that it is possible to deal with these performance errors before actually going live with Oracle EBusiness Suite, when the results become catastrophic.

Load testing is what allows you to do this. Load testing is when you simulate the stresses that the applications will be under when they go live, particularly stresses from multiple users trying to access them at the same time.

Many applications fail when they are put under the stresses of a live environment. If your Oracle EBusiness Suite applications are vulnerable to this kind of stress, a load test can identify that and allow you to make the necessary adjustments to deal with that.

On the other hand, the load tests can confirm that your applications can indeed handle the stresses that they will be under in a live environment

This means that you can launch them with more confidence.

The biggest objections to load testing are that it is costly and time-consuming. With many load testing applications on the market for Oracle products, this is indeed true. With many of these load testers, it is prohibitively expensive and time-consuming to set up and execute multiple load tests on your applications.

The Solution

That said, if you select a good load testing application, then you will not suffer from these problems. You could enjoy the benefits of load testing discussed in this article without having to deal with any of the drawbacks that come with other load testers.

One really good load testing application for these Oracle applications, along with just about every other type of application, is AppLoader.

AppLoader is a protocol independent load testing application which tests in the end users point of view and contains no hidden. It is a simple yet powerful tool to load test your Oracle EBusiness Suite application before going live and then empower yourself to make constructive adjustments.

With its help, you can keep costs down, reduce delays and get the quality data that you need to ensure the integrity of your application’s performance.


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